
We drive the growth and expansion of technology companies, collaborating in the search for funding, potential buyers, and strategic alliances.

Additionally, we facilitate institutional investors and private equity funds' entry into the Latin American technology market, helping them identify investment opportunities and diversify their risk and exposure in the region.

Our commitment is to generate value. That's why we thoroughly assess our clients' needs to optimize their decisions.

Mergers and Acquisitions

We are the only consulting firm specializing in mergers and acquisitions of technology companies. Our experience in the Latin American, European, and United States markets positions us as strategic allies for any company considering a process of buying, selling, or exiting.


We provide strategic and operational advisory services to maximize the value of our clients’ assets. Our extensive experience in the IT sector positions us as a unique partner in the world of M&A. We stand out because we offer a highly personalized approach in each transaction, ensuring a thorough understanding of the specific objectives of each client to achieve successful outcomes. These are our steps:

We gather all relevant information about the company, such as financial statements, sales reports, contracts, organizational structure, and any other documents related to the operation.

We examine the company’s financial statements to evaluate its historical performance, identify trends, and analyze margins, cash flows, debt levels, and other relevant financial aspects.

We review and assess the tangible and intangible assets of the company, such as properties, inventories, patents, trademarks, and other valuable assets.

We study the market in which the company operates identifying competitors, analyzing market trends, the size of the target market, and the company’s market share.

We analyze the capacity and experience of the company’s management team, evaluating their track record, skills, and capabilities to drive growth and future success of the organization.

We conduct a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats analysis of the company, which helps identify strengths and areas for improvement, as well as opportunities and risks associated with the sale.

We determine the estimated value of the company using different valuation methods, such as the discounted cash flow (DCF) method, market comparables, or valuation multiples.

We create presentations and marketing materials that highlight the strengths of the company and its growth potential, with the aim of attracting potential buyers.


We are a strategic ally for various foreign funds and investors seeking to invest in Latin America. Our experience in the local market positions us as experts for those funds aiming to expand their operations intelligently.

We offer tactical and operational advisory services to identify and evaluate attractive investment opportunities. Through a personalized approach, we ensure that each client achieves their specific objectives and successful outcomes. Our services include:

We analyze the market and relevant trends to detect acquisition opportunities that align with our client’s investment objectives and criteria.

We conduct a thorough analysis of target companies, including their financial performance, competitive position, strengths and weaknesses, growth opportunities, and associated risks.

We use different methods to determine the estimated value of target companies helping our clients make informed decisions regarding the acquisition price.

We perform comprehensive due diligence, thoroughly examining the target company’s financial statements, contracts, assets, liabilities, and any other relevant aspects to identify potential risks and opportunities.

We support our clients in negotiations with the target company, helping to structure the transaction optimally to maximize benefits and minimize risks.

We provide advice during the integration stage after the acquisition, collaborating with our clients to maximize the value of the transaction and achieve operational synergies.

and Advisory

We work on a detailed and accurate analysis of a company’s value, providing strategic guidance throughout each transaction process. Our team of experts specializes in valuations of technology companies and is dedicated to delivering valuable information to support critical investment decisions.

Moreover, we offer strategic advisory services throughout the M&A process: analyzing and evaluating the target company and its industry, identifying opportunities and risks, and developing strategies and recommendations to maximize the transaction’s value. During the negotiation of terms and conditions, we provide support by advising on the optimal structure and assisting our clients in reaching mutually favorable agreements.

Our goal is to provide reliable and precise information that supports their investment decisions.

Contact us

Consulting Processes

True to our commitment to add value to our clients, we provide advice and support to technology companies in designing processes that empower them to professionalize and increase their valuation.

Our team is comprised of certified experts in management, marketing, finance, human resources, and commercialization of technology companies. Therefore, we are capable of providing tailored solutions to the specific challenges of each organization and innovative perspectives. Our services in these areas include:

We offer detailed analysis, personalized strategies, and comprehensive advice through our team of experts to maximize the value of operations and achieve successful outcomes in the M&A domain.

We help technology companies establish a clear vision and develop effective strategies to achieve their business objectives.

We identify improvement opportunities in internal processes and provide solutions to increase efficiency and productivity.

We support companies in implementing organizational changes, ensuring a successful transition, and minimizing negative impacts.

We develop personalized marketing plans that help technology companies reach their target market and promote their differentiation in a highly competitive environment.

We create effective communication strategies to promote technological products and services leveraging the appropriate channels to reach the right audience.

We conduct comprehensive market studies and customer segmentation to help companies better understand their target audience and tailor their business approach.

We provide detailed financial analysis and advice to optimize capital structure, improve profitability, and maximize the growth of technology companies.

We perform financial feasibility analysis and investment evaluations to support informed decision-making regarding investment and growth opportunities.

We assist companies in developing robust financial plans and realistic budgets that support their long-term growth and development.

We provide guidance in structuring and developing high-performance teams, as well as implementing training and skill development programs.

We help companies attract, retain, and develop the right talent, implementing effective recruitment strategies, performance evaluations, and compensation and benefits programs.

We work with companies to promote a positive corporate culture, foster a motivating work environment, and improve employee satisfaction and engagement.

While considering cultural, economic, and regulatory variations, we develop approaches to expand our client’s operations, products, and services across international markets.